Thursday, January 27, 2011


1 Nephi 2

Sometimes I find myself in a rut spiritually--I feel down or discouraged, alone and ignored by God. I think I always come full circle though and realize that He hasn't left me. I've pulled away from Him.

He's always there, always.

This scripture stood out to me
1 Ne 2:12 "...And they did murmur because they knew not the dealings of that God who had created them".

So I've been thinking this morning why I "know not the dealings of God". What causes me to forget? Why do I feel this way? I want to know Him again. I love reading the scriptures. It helps me to have that 'full circle' experience and reminds me of what I'm missing by neglecting the word.

I want to know God again.
In chinese, the word KNOW has two words, both with a slight difference in meaning.

Zhidao: To know of.
Renshi: To know, personally.

SO, I can zhidao someone...meaning...I know OF them, but not personally. Like I know some people's names at work, but I don't really ever talk with them, or I don't know them intimately in any way. I just know who they are.

OR, I can renshi someone...meaning...I personally know them. They are one of my good friends. We are close.

I want, desperately, to RENSHI my God.

1 comment:

Jenny Hatch said...

Oh Karen, I love your heart. And I love the concept of Renshi.