Thursday, October 7, 2010

Run & Rend

Alma 46.

This is one of my most favorite chapters!!!!!!

I LOVE this analogy...

Moroni raises the title of liberty to his people, and pleads with them to covenant with God...

"...and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them".  (v. 20)

And then, my favorite part...

"...the people came running...rending their garments"!!  (v. 21)

This has often made me step back and take a good hard look at HOW I keep my covenants...sometimes I half-heartedly do it. I want to "RUN & REND" like these people.

I want to be more faithful.

I want to keep my covenants Him my life better...

...that the Lord God may bless (me).

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