Saturday, October 16, 2010

Armed from within

Alma 54-55

A single phrase stuck out to me while reading this...

"...they were surrounded by the Nephies without, and...their prisoners were armed within". (55:22)

I've been thinking a lot about progression and blessings, and inner hopes and desires.

And it's made me make some inner commitments so that those things I so hope for can come into my life. I can't express how this phrase made me feel. It just reminded me that I need "protection without"... and to be armed spiritually "within".

What I mean by that is just this...Satan is all around me. Physically he tempts me daily. I need to protect myself from temptations that beset me physically; and yet I also know that he tries to wreck me spiritually...and so within I need to arm myself so I am not beset spiritually.

I need to place up walls of spiritual fortification...
Keep reading my scriptures and pondering.
Keep paying my tithing.
Keep going to church.
Keep living worthily.
Keep communication open with Captain.

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