Monday, August 10, 2009

Judging and reproving

So I recently got back on a singles website that I haven't been on for quite some time. I updated my pictures. I've been chatting with a few guys, some that are nice and respond and ask questions, some that are complete jerks. This last one yesterday topped the cake, and has almost made me give up completely on these sites...
A guy so centered on his looks, that all he cared about was knowing if I really looked like my pictures, or if I was fat. Honestly, it almost killed me with the emails he was sending back and forth yesterday.
So it got me to thinking...what qualities am I looking for in a guy?
As I started my study today, this was heavy on my thoughts. Here is one of the first verses I read... 2 Nephi 21:3 "And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord, and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears".
WOW. That's it. I need someone who doesn't judge wrongly by what they see, or reprove by what they know or find out about me. And I hope to have those qualities myself.

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