Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whither shall I go?

I just finished reading about how Nephi breaks his bow, how his brothers and father murmur against him, and how Nephi, despite their murmurings, goes and asks his father,
"Whither shall I go to obtain food?"
I feel like this is a huge lesson on taking the initiative for me. I feel like my whole life I have been taught to do things on my own-to take responsibility. I'm grateful for those lessons, because now that I live on my own, I feel completely independent.
So after reading about Nephi's experience, I understood why he acted the way he did...he wasn't raised in a way that if he didn't get what he wanted, or if things didn't work out like he wanted, that he threw a tantrum and pouted about it...he was taught to DO.
I've been taught that, too. Thanks, Mom & Dad!

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