Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My sould did rest

Because Enos had such great faith, he truly believed God would do what He said He would do.
"Wherefore, my soul did rest", he said (1:17).
I've felt that way before.
I have experienced that restful feeling where I've felt satisfied and comforted by an answer I received. For example, any time I go to the scriptures, whatever I am reading makes me rest--I don't doubt that what I read isn't true, and so I take it as directly coming from God. I have this complete trust. And my soul rests, like Enos's soul.
Near the end of the chapter Enos also has this restful feeling in his soul knowing for a surety his standing with God. He says, about dying and meeting his Master, "...then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father" (1:27).
Oh to have that rest in my soul. I need to know my standing with Him...I need to live more righteous.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In His own due time

I've often wondered what "His due time" meant, for me.
And it's often been associated with, "I need this, BUT I will taken whatever I get according to thy will", or "I want this to happen now, BUT I will do it according to thy will" (with a not-so-willing-to-wait-attitude). Sometimes that has rocked my faith a little, because, if it does not happen, and I am praying for it to happen, I often lose faith that it WILL someday happen.
And of course, I am speaking primarily about finding someone to marry.
Well today as I read in Enos, it just struck me how diligent Enos was. He hungers and searches for peace--all the day and night (1:4), he prays more earnestly and his faith is UNSHAKEN in the Lord (1:11). And because of his great faith, God promises that He WILL grant his wishes and desires, but that it would be in "His own due time".
So even back then, people had to wait.
Just like me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My quest

I've been missing something lately. And I feel it so strong.
A while ago, I was meeting with a good friend, teacher, and therapist. She said, concerning 'motherly love' that sometimes people long for this and wish for it and want it in their lives, "God is the only other person that can actually give this type of love".
I've been feeling this empty hole in my life lately. It seems like ever since I went through surgery and lost the strength of both knees, I haven't prayed, and therefore, haven't studied the scriptures. The first thing I read today was in Enos. The phrase, "And my soul hungered", (v. 4) caught my attention. It's exactly what I feel. It's not a physical hunger, but a deep hunger of the soul. A hunger that can only be cured by GOD. And I know that.
And so, this is my quest...for November and December of this month..and to record my experiences in this blog daily. To work on this hunger...and to have this hunger filled by God...for He is the only one that can give me that motherly type of love that is so filling and so good.